Civil Rights Leader Dr. Warren Stewart, Sr. Says It’s Time to Support The Dream with Action

Story submitted by Jonathan Tease for Dr. Warren Stewart, Sr. is the senior pastor at First Institutional Baptist Church (FIBC) in downtown Phoenix. During the late ’80s and early ’90s, Dr. Stewart leveraged his connection to the community to help lead and organize...

Phoenix Alphas Bring 43 Arizona Teens to the South for 2019 HBCU Tour

Submitted by George Charles III “Vision without faith creates an identity crisis.” What started out as a conversation among members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. became the talking point to a reality of a vision seen through eyes of one who believed what seemed impossible...

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Awards 2019 Scholarships to Eight Young Ladies from the Phoenix Area

By Michelle Coro Ivy Leaf Reporter/Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Celebrating the importance of education at the annual Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., scholarship luncheon, eight young women were handed certificates and access to more than $20,000 to cultivate their learning...

Tempe Falls in “Love” with Black Women

Submitted by Collette Watson “I remember a time when I didn’t have lunch money. My mom didn’t have money to give me. So she handed me a bag of watches. My mom was a hustler.” Wednesday night in Tempe, eight local figures shared true personal stories at a monologue storytelling...

Phoenix AKAs Combine Sewing with Service to Help Children in Need of Clothing

Submitted by Michelle Coro, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. What little girl doesn’t like the idea of getting a new dress designed just for her? That’s the idea behind the many volunteers who gathered at the Phoenix Urban League in downtown Phoenix on January 21 to match, cut,...

Local Black Candidates Make Big Gains in Arizona 2018 Elections

Submitted by Serah Blain, Spectrum Experience Four years ago, when Arizona’s only Black legislator, State Senator Leah Landrum Taylor, announced she was leaving the legislature, the Arizona Republic lamented: “Arizona could be one of only a handful of states with no Black state...