LATEST EVENTS Talks to Defense Attorney about Ahmaud Arbery Case

Jonathan Tease, reporter for, talks with Cary Lackey of The Law Office of Cary Lackey, P.C., about the political and racial climate that has been fueling the violent murders of young, unarmed Black men such as Ahmaud Arbery. felt that it was important for...

Damian “JR Gong” Marley Brings the Heat on a Rainy Arizona Roots Music Festival Weekend

Article and Photos Submitted by Tony Skinner The second-annual Arizona Roots Music Festival at Rawhide Western Town and Event Center on February 22-23 was the ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy, gloomy and cold weekend in the Valley of the Sun. The festival was produced by...

Review: Arizona Theatre Company Presents “Master Harold … and the Boys”

Review submitted by Jonathan Tease Recently (February 2020), I had the pleasure of seeing “Master Harold…” and the Boys at the Herberger Theater Center in downtown Phoenix. The show runs through March 1 and I highly recommend going to see it while you can. Prior to...

Civil Rights Leader Dr. Warren Stewart, Sr. Says It’s Time to Support The Dream with Action

Story submitted by Jonathan Tease for Dr. Warren Stewart, Sr. is the senior pastor at First Institutional Baptist Church (FIBC) in downtown Phoenix. During the late ’80s and early ’90s, Dr. Stewart leveraged his connection to the community to help lead and organize...

Phoenix Alphas Bring 43 Arizona Teens to the South for 2019 HBCU Tour

Submitted by George Charles III “Vision without faith creates an identity crisis.” What started out as a conversation among members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. became the talking point to a reality of a vision seen through eyes of one who believed what seemed impossible...